Secured Project Creams Mill
Secured Project 325 Deansgate
We are pleased to be working with JRJC Ltd, to install the Alumasc Hot Melt roofing system for the 325 Deansgate development in Manchester, will see the creation of a 357-bedroom Aparthotel.
We will begin the installations by drying out the roof deck with Etorch, we will then apply a horizontal Hydrotech Hot Melt system.
We will then be using the Hydrotech Hot Melt vertical system for:
• Roof A: Parapet curtain wall flashing, AOV flashing, Ventilation duct flashing
• Roof B: Terracotta parapet wall flashing, Lift overrun flashing
• Roof E: Perimeter wall flashing
This vertical application will be applied to extruded polystyrene upboards in line with the manufacturer’s recommendations, and the development drawing plans provided.
Roof A and B will also see the installation of a precast paving layer on top of the roofing system.
To find out more about the full build up, have a read of our blog.
Secured Project Creams Mill
We are pleased to be working with Watson Homes again on our latest project, Creams Mill development in Little Lever, Bolton, a canalside residential development that will see the creation of almost 300 mixed-tenure, new-build properties.
Many of the properties have varying roof sizes and bay windows which means that perimeter trim and flashing, and abutment wall flashing and insulation, will also be installed.
Beginning the build up with the Air and Vapour Control Layer (AVCL), we will be installing the Alumasc VCL, following this, we will install the insulation layer, we will be using 150mm Alumasc FF insulation boards.
Finally, we will complete the roofing systems with the installation of a waterproof membrane, using the Alumasc Alkorplan.
To find out more about the full build up, have a read of our blog.