Sustainable commercial roofing

Hartington Road Apartments Altrincham

If you’re looking to replace your existing commercial roof, sustainability might be one of your top priorities. Whether being environmentally friendly is important to your brand, or you company is making realistic changes in light of the climate emergency, a sustainable roof can be a great option. This doesn’t mean that you need to compromise on quality either. Single ply roofing is a high quality, high performance commercial roofing option that can also be incredibly sustainable. So why should you consider single ply roofing for sustainable commercial roofing? Well, here at Enviroply Roofing, we are leading commercial roofing professionals. From industrial properties to apartment complexes and schools, we have the skills and experience to deliver top quality roofing solutions, tailored to meet your needs and requirements. This is our guide to everything you should consider when it comes to sustainable commercial roofing.


What is sustainability?

Sustainability, at it’s core, focuses on meeting the needs of the now, without compromising future needs, or those of the environment. This encompasses a range of lifestyle options, including:

⦁ driving an electric/hybrid vehicle
⦁ choosing high quality, long lasting products instead of disposable products or those that are regularly replaced
⦁ building developments with future needs and requirements in mind


Why should you choose single ply for sustainable commercial roofing?

If sustainability is part of your company aim or goal, then considering sustainable practices and materials should be an essential part of planning any new roof for your property. Single ply roofing can be a great choice for this. In fact, there are several single ply membranes that have a BREEAM rating of A+ for sustainability, when installed with the right roofing method. Single ply roofing is an effective sustainable commercial roofing option for a number of reasons, including:

⦁ Single ply roofing can be recycled
⦁ Single ply roofing is durable
⦁ Sedum roofing options

Single ply roofing is recyclable

Depending on the installation method used to install your single ply roofing system, the single ply membrane itself can be recycled. Single ply membranes are generally made from high quality polymer, a material that is easily recycled. However, because of the reduced UV protection of older, used single ply roofing membranes, only a small amount of the membrane can be added to the creation of new materials. But, the polymer can also be processed into other high-value products, reducing the strain on our finite natural resources.

If you will want your new roof to be sustainable, and recyclable, you should consider a mechanically fixed single ply roofing system, rather than a fully adhered roof. This is because the adhesive contaminates the polymer so the membrane can not be recycled.

Single ply roofing is durable

With a life expectancy of 20-25 years, you can be sure that your single ply commercial roof will be long lasting and durable. This means that it will meet your needs now, but also for many years to come. It also means that roof repairs, refurbishments, and replacements will not be necessary for a number of years, reducing the demand on the polymers used for single ply membranes. This high performance roofing option is likely to be more durable than any other flat roofing option.


Single ply roofing can create a sedum roof

A sedum roof is a great way to meet the needs of your company, customers, and employees, while also meeting the needs of the environment, something that is key to sustainable practices. This means that by choosing a sedum roof, you can have a well insulated, high performance roofing system, which offers a range of thermal benefits, while also providing a visually attractive habitat for local wildlife.

For more information or advice about single ply roofing and sustainability, get in touch with the team today, here at Enviroply Roofing.